Apprentice panel beaters will learn to determine the nature and extent of damage to a vehicle and be trained to carry out the necessary expert repairs. Work would include repair, removal or replacement of damaged panels and sub-structures using metal welding and modern bonding techniques and applying professional finishing techniques such as filling and sanding of panel surfaces. Panel beaters use mechanical and hydraulic equipment, as well as computer alignment programs and processes.

What employment opportunities will I have?
This job role may lead to working with highly sought-after collision repairers in the automotive industry or potentially running your own business or repair franchise.
What qualification will I receive?
On successful completion of your apprenticeship you will be awarded the Certificate III in Automotive Vehicle Body (Panel Beater). As part of the Australian Qualifications Framework this program is nationally recognised.
What opportunities for future studies will I have?
Credit transfers may be available into related Certificate IV or Diploma courses.